
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that is responsible for the entire study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities in the shape, position, relationship and function of dentomaxillofacial structures.

We have different types of Orthodontics

• Metal brackets

• It is conventional orthodontics, the best known.

• Porcelain Brackets – Sapphire Brackets are appliances that are similar in color to the tooth, which makes them less visible.

• Self-ligating brackets: It is a type of orthodontics that does not require the use of elastics and offers a reduction in treatment time.

• Aligners and Invisalign. It is a type of orthodontics that is practically invisible and removable.

• Interceptive orthodontics: it is carried out in children with the objective of promoting the appearance of normal changes and avoiding those that are unfavorable. The exam after the age of 7 is important for this purpose.

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Oral Health